Tuesday 8 December 2015

All You Should Know About Foot Bursitis

Bursitis is caused when bursa is inflamed or irritated. Bursa is a sac that is filled with fluid and is present around joints as a protection. Although, you can use proper fitted shoes and socks to keep this disease away, but if it is provoked, you are required to consult with a doctor to completely resolve this issue. While dealing with it, you can use different kinds of pain reducing aids to minimize discomfort.
Read the following information offered by best physiotherapists North York. It will help you learn the causes and treatments to get instant relief. No need to mention, physiotherapy clinic in north York provides pain relief and treat this issue quite well.
Bursitis is a soft tissue rheumatic syndrome. It produces pain, inflammation or swelling in the structures and tissues around a joint.
How is Foot Bursitis Caused?
Bursitis is often caused due to repetitive impact on the area affected by an injury in past.
a) Wearable
Foot bursitis can occur in the people:
" High heels that may cause bursa to swell
" Who wear ill fitted shoes that are too tight to restrict bone movement, or
" Corn, bunion or heal spur also cause foot bursitis. b) Body Posture
The disease is also caused by incorrect postures of the body, causing tissues to stretch abnormally. There might be other joint diseases causing weakness to joints and increase threats of foot bursitis.
c) Age Factor
Age is another factor. The tendons become less tolerant to stress, loose elasticity and can easily be torn away. In this situation, the risk of bursitis increases if a grown up gets a joint injury. Some of the activities involving high risk of bursitis include gardening, carpentry, running, jumping, etc.
Types of Foot Bursitis
1) Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
It is caused due to swelling in Bursa, located at the back of the heel. It normally happens to the people who wear inappropriate foot wears.
2) Calcaneal Bursitis
It is caused due to inflammation in the bursa which is located at the bottom of the heel. It causes excruciating pain in the affected part. It generally occurs due to excess weight, heel spurs, and wearing ill-fitting shoes.
There are different kinds of treatments for foot bursitis. Before you consult a doctor, you can apply following treatments yourself:
1. Applying Cold Compressions
Cold therapy, at the initial stage of swelling, helps reduce the pain for initial 48 hours. Place the cold ice pack on the affected area after every three to four hours.
2. Rest
Mostly, the bursa is irritated due to overuse, so you may be advised few resting positions to reduce stress on affected area.
3. Applying Heat
After 48 hours, in case of severe pain, apply heat packs to reduce the pain. Place a hot pack, hot water bag or hot stone wrapped in a cloth, on affected area for 20 minutes, three or four time a day.
4. Consult Rheumatologist
Your rheumatologist may recommend you few exercises and therapy to prevent the pain. North York physiotherapy clinic has professionals who can treat your pain instantly.

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